Täytä alla oleva lomake, ja otamme sinuun yhteyttä lyhyellä varoitusajalla.
Maailmanlaajuinen järjestelmäintegraattori, johon Fortune 500 -yritykset luottavat
LeverX on kansainvälinen yritys, jolla on laaja asiantuntemus ja joka palvelee yrityksiä kaikkialla maailmassa. Panostamme yritysten digitaaliseen transformaatioon ja tarjoamme kumppaneillemme ja asiakkaillemme kattavan valikoiman korkealaatuisia palveluja konsultoinnista ja toteutuksesta tukeen.
LeverX yhdistää kaksi tiimiä - LeverX ja Emerline. LeverX on erikoistunut SAP-toteutuksiin ja -räätälöintiin. Olemme ylpeitä luotettavasta ja hyvämaineisesta kumppanuudestamme SAP:n kanssa. SAP Gold Partnerina, SAP Global Strategic Supplierina, SAP Integratorina ja SAP Value Added Resellerinä LeverX auttaa yrityksiä hyödyntämään investointeja SAP-ratkaisuihin.
Emerline on ollut osa LeverXiä vuodesta 2011 lähtien, ja se tarjoaa ohjelmistosuunnittelupalveluja maailmanlaajuisesti. Emerline on ohjelmistokehityskumppani startup-yrityksille ja yrityksille Yhdysvalloissa ja Länsi-Euroopassa. Sen tavoitteena on tarjota asiakkaille huippuluokan räätälöityjä ratkaisuja sekä verkko- että mobiilialustoilla.
LeverX:n päätehtävänä on tarjota organisaatioille täyden syklin teknologiakonsultointi-, kehitys- ja käyttöönottopalveluja niiden menestyksekästä liiketoiminnan muutosta ja kestävyyttä varten.
vuosien asiantuntemus
10+ maassa
LeverXin asiantuntijoilla on laaja kokemus yli 30 toimialan palvelemisesta, mukaan lukien teollisuus, kuljetus, terveydenhuolto, energia ja luonnonvarat jne. Asiantuntijamme ymmärtävät syvällisesti toimialan prosesseja ja tekevät tiivistä yhteistyötä asiakkaiden kanssa kehittääkseen ratkaisuja, jotka vastaavat heidän liiketoimintatarpeitaan.
Asiakkaiden menestystarinat
LeverX Helped A Construction Machinery Corporation Increase Efficiency by 25-35%
The LeverX team helped the customer streamline document management and product lifecycle management. We also helped the client to create a single source of truth which makes it easier to collaborate with other facilities.
SAP Workflow Implementation for an Automobile Manufacturer
Implementation of an automated system that would allow coordinating budget expenditures for a large automobile manufacturer.
want to view more our cases?
SAP PLM Journey for a Manufacturer of Dispensed Beverage Equipment
The LeverX team assisted the customer with a phased approach to SAP PLM.
R&D/Engineering Modernization for a Consumer Good Manufacturer
We have transformed and modernized the R&D/Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management for the customer to efficiently manage the product’s lifecycle, engineer, and manufacture its products at the highest level while continuing to innovate.
Fintech Solution Development for a Group of Banks
LeverX provided the client with several solutions that ensure smooth bank performance in several ways, from the provision of additional security to the facilitation of operations and improved revenue growth.
Data science solution development for the fintech sector
Merchant recognition solution based on ML.
SAP Transportation Management Implementation for a Transport Company
LeverX helped a large transport company to achieve transparent reporting, reduce transportation costs, and optimize routes with SAP TM.
SAP Yard Logistics Implementation and Adaptation for a Railway Company
LeverX delivered the analytical, reporting, and planning powers of the SAP Yard Logistics system.
Revolutionizing Distributors' Sales Performance With Analytics Platform
LeverX — Emerline developed a comprehensive sales analytics platform with numerous modules and integrated it with SAP to streamline distributors' operations and help them optimize their performance.
SAP Transportation Management Implementation for a Large Retailer
The LeverX team of experts helped a retail company implement SAP TM, thereby automating transport processes and significantly improving the company's key performance indicators.
Solution Development for Leveraging the Power of SAP S/4HANA and SAP BTP
LeverX helped develop a solution to automate and improve the clinical supplies process and gain better visibility into the status of clinical supplies worldwide.
PLM Digital Transformation For Hygiene And Infection Prevention Company
We helped the customer reduce cycle times and increase capacity, allowing manufacturing to begin sooner.
Mitä asiakkaamme sanovat
Emerline* has been the best development partner we’ve ever worked with. The team is very responsive and the quality is very high. They are always willing to do whatever is necessary to support our development and customer support efforts. I would recommend them to anyone.
* Emerline is a part of LeverX that focuses on custom development and provides full software engineering services worldwide.
I would like to recognize the outstanding contribution and support that the Emerline* team provided on the SynFini™ MVP 1.0 project. You have been responsive to our requirements and delivered high-quality work. You are overall a tremendous addition to our team here at SRI. We truly appreciate the opportunity to work with you and look forward to continuing this effort next year.
* Emerline is a part of LeverX that focuses on custom development and provides full software engineering services worldwide.
The Emerline* team involved in the completion of our projects demonstrated a high level of responsiveness and support by solving issues and answering questions ASAP. They were diligent and proactively addressed the challenges that arose during the development process. Our cooperation ran smoothly and professionally, and Emerline quickly provided direct and correct advice when necessary. We highly recommend Emerline as a technology partner for large and complicated development projects that also delivers continuous cooperation with the provider on new projects.
* Emerline is a part of LeverX that focuses on custom development and provides full software engineering services worldwide.
We are very pleased and content with our relationship with Emerline*. We rely on their team for full-stack development of our platform. We respect the high technical caliber and dedication of the team assigned to our project. Emerline provided us with the scaling we needed to grow our development capabilities from early-stage POC to now a globally deployed platform in the HR Teach space.
* Emerline is a part of LeverX that focuses on custom development and provides full software engineering services worldwide.
Emerline* has been our technology partner since late 2012. In the early years, I thought that they would fill a short-term gap until I could afford to hire my own technical team in the US. But they have consistently met the demands of our growing company and helped us build what we believe is our industry's best solution option. Emerline* provides high quality work, so much so that our platform's reliability and accuracy has repeatedly been mentioned by our largest customer's internal vendor survey. The individuals we work with aren't just contractors, they are an important part of our strategic Team and we enjoy working with them every day!
* Emerline is a part of LeverX that focuses on custom development and provides full software engineering services worldwide.
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Mitä tapahtuu seuraavaksi?
Asiantuntijamme ottavat sinuun yhteyttä ja keskustelevat perusteellisesti erityistarpeistasi ja -vaatimuksistasi.
Jos projektisi sisältää arkaluonteisia tietoja, allekirjoitamme tietosuojasitoumuksen varmistaaksemme tietojesi luottamuksellisuuden ja turvallisuuden.
Tiimimme laatii räätälöidyn hanke-ehdotuksen, joka sisältää laajuuden, aikataulun ja budjetin, jotta voit tehdä tietoon perustuvia päätöksiä.
9 maassa
vuosien asiantuntemus
Ota yhteyttä
We recommend LeverX as a reliable ERP implementation and support partner.
The SAP solution supported by the LeverX team helped us achieve the utmost process automation and optimized financial and logistics processes. The project was delivered on time. We hope that our cooperation will gain the status of a time-tested partnership. We recommend LeverX as a reliable ERP implementation and support partner.