Enable Injections decided to invest early in the proper tools and systems that would allow the company to scale rapidly, using best practices in the Life Science Industry. LeverX helped them by not only implementing PLM, ECTR, IPS, and DC but also by providing holistic advice on how to enhance and streamline the entire system.
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Enable Injections decided to invest early in the proper tools and systems that would allow the company to scale rapidly, using best practices in the Life Science Industry. LeverX helped them by not only implementing PLM, ECTR, IPS, and DC but also by providing holistic advice on how to enhance and streamline the entire system.
Enable Injections develops and manufactures discreet body-worn delivery devices that allow patients to self-administer high-volume and/or high-viscosity therapeutics.
The challenge that Enable Injections faced was using manual paper processes which were time-consuming and did not allow for quick scalability. Another business challenge was that pharmaceutical companies, who are customers of Enable’s products, wanted to be assured their expensive drugs will be secured by a best practice ERP system. This will also allow for scalability and traceability of their products through the entire life cycle.
LeverX helped implement SAP solutions, which are currently being used by 80% of the pharmaceutical companies. It provides a phased approach that allows flexibility in the timing of modules along with fiscal responsibility, built-in Life Science best practices, and a fully integrated system with no bolt-on modules.
Customer Background
Mike Hooven founded Enable Injection and was backed by an experienced team of executives and Board members in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mike, the CEO of Enable Injection, has prior experience in successful medical device companies.
Enable Injections develops and manufactures discreet body-worn delivery devices that allow patients to self-administer high-volume and/or high-viscosity therapeutics. The Enable enFuse™ provides a comfortable infusion experience, allowing the patient to continue with regular daily activities. Enable operates in an environment that is able to scale quickly, is highly regulated, and focuses mainly on the B2B Pharma industry. Enable employs contract manufacturing to flex its production capacity from 30-50k units to 3M.
Business Challenge
From the early days through 2017, the company relied on QuickBooks. They continued to grow rapidly by securing pharmaceutical customers. They continued to be challenged by their customers on how they would scale and use best practices with manual processes. In addition, the company was challenged by many of the functional departments having a silo approach, creating communication delays and barriers to real-time information. It would take an immense amount of time and resources to stay compliant in a highly regulated environment using paper processes.
Business Solution
LeverX and Enable Injections knew that the company needed scalability and Life Science Best Practices, which would not be supported by a mid-market ERP system. Tim Flaherty knew that the company would have to go directly to one of the large-scale ERP platforms. He also recognized that Enable did not immediately need all of the modules that are provided with big ERP during a Big Bang approach. After completing the Discovery phase with LeverX, it became obvious that SAP S/4HANA was the only right choice.
Enable chose SAP because 80-90% of pharma companies also use SAP, and it is the most integrated of major ERPs. The company turned to LeverX to assist them with their SAP implementation, PLM, and CAD integration into SolidWorks and ECTR based on our extensive experience. LeverX has also helped by suggesting additional solutions to the customer.
Since 2018, LeverX and Enable Injections have been partners. LeverX went way beyond PLM and became a true partner to provide holistic advice on how SAP ERP implementation can enhance and streamline the entire system. Over the last 4 years, we have implemented PLM, ECTR, IPS, and DCO for Enable Injections.
Products and Services
Project Scope - 2017 to Present
Phase One. Financial Module
Phase Two. Material Management, Sales and Distribution, Productions Planning, Financial Controlling, Document Management, SAP SuccessFactors — Employee Central, Performance, Goals, and Learning Modules.
Phase Three. Product Lifecycle Management (Part 1) Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, SAP SuccessFactors- Recruiting, Onboarding (Part 1)
Phase Four. Product Lifecycle Management (Part 2), SAP SuccessFactors – Recruiting, Onboarding (Part 2), Regulatory Tools.
Business Results
- Efficient automated processes enabled
Enable Injection went from using manual processing, which created a silo approach with increased efforts and more time to complete tasks. Now, they use more automated processing that boosts efficiency.
- Easy approval process
Before IPS, the DCO process was long and cumbersome, using stacks of paper that had to be read and approved using SharePoint. Now with the IPS ticketing system in SAP, DCO functions in one system (SAP), and people get a simple IPS ticket email that can be approved within minutes. With IPS, the client can monitor the approval process.
- Access documents in one system
All the documents are inside one system (SAP); some are on the hard drive and some are in SharePoint.
Business Benefits
- Working through the compliance requirements
- IPS Consolidated Documentation Process in SAP vs Email and SharePoint
- Approvals in minutes vs stacks of papers on the desk
- All documents stored in SAP
- Increased visibility into approval processes
- Identified bottlenecks and more efficient processes.
- Improved training due to Success Factors and LMS
- Accessibility from anywhere
TOP SAP Company
Customer Review
“A great partner that goes the extra mile to accommodate the customer/company. They can accomplish what is needed to move their business forward. No question is too much for LeverX. They’ve been a great resource for any area of SAP. What I like about LeverX is that I don’t think there is any question that is too much for them. We bounced a lot of things off them that might not appear in their wheelhouse, but a lot of times they have answers just because of their experience and knowledge. We found them to be a great resource to bounce things off and get ideas even if they might not be specific to PLM. When you are out of time and have limited resources, LeverX has your solution. LeverX is a big bang for your buck that will bring in a lot of knowledge at one time to check off all the boxes.”
Tim Flaherty, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
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