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نمنحك الثقة في مشاريع SAP المعقدة

LeverX هي شريكك الموثوق به ضمن نظام SAP البيئي

LeverX هي شركة تكامل أنظمة عالمية وشركة استشارية من الدرجة الأولى في SAP مخصصة لتقديم حلول وخدمات احترافية تركز على العملاء. تأسست في عام 2003 على مبادئ التميز التكنولوجي والخدمة الشخصية، وقد أثبتت LeverX نفسها كشريك موثوق به في رحلة التحول الرقمي لعملاء Fortune 500 في جميع أنحاء العالم.

مشروعًا ناجحًا
مكتبًا في 10+ دول
خبير معتمد من SAP

الخبرة التي نقدمها

لقد جمعنا ثروة معرفية في SAP وتطوير البرامج المخصصة لدعمك في كل خطوة على الطريق، بغض النظر عن تعقيد مشروعك.

خدمات SAP
نقدم مجموعة كاملة من الخدمات المتعلقة بـ SAP، مما يضمن رحلة سلسة من الاستشارة الأولية وتحليل الأعمال إلى نقل المعرفة والدعم بعد الإطلاق.
جميع خدمات SAP
حلول SAP
نحرص على العمل مع أحدث الحلول وتثقيف عشاق التكنولوجيا حول كيفية تحقيق أقصى استفادة من أدوات وحلول SAP.
جميع حلول SAP
الخدمات الموسعة
تتعامل فرق التطوير المخصصة لدينا بمهارة مع الاحتياجات الهندسية المتنوعة، سواء كانت بناء حلول من الصفر أو تحسين المشاريع الجارية.

ما يقوله عملاؤنا

"JBS was impressed with LeverX’s BMAX application"
After several years of successfully running multiple workflow processes through LeverX’s IPS application, JBS was excited to learn of LeverX’s BMAX application. We needed a means to govern material master data creation on a global scale, and LeverX was instrumental in the design, build, and deployment of a globally adaptable integrated IPS and BMAX master data creation process. We could not be more impressed with the outcome of this application, its user adoption, and its capabilities.
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“We recommend LeverX as a reliable ERP implementation and support partner”
The SAP solution supported by the LeverX team helped us achieve the utmost process automation and optimized financial and logistics processes. The project was delivered on time. We hope that our cooperation will gain the status of a time-tested partnership. We recommend LeverX as a reliable ERP implementation and support partner.
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"A great partner that goes the extra mile to accommodate the customer/company"
A great partner that goes the extra mile to accommodate the customer/company. They can accomplish what is needed to move their business forward. No question is too much for LeverX. They’ve been a great resource for any area of SAP. What I like about LeverX is that I don’t think there is any question that is too much for them. We bounced a lot of things off them that might not appear in their wheelhouse, but a lot of times they have answers just because of their experience and knowledge. We found them to be a great resource to bounce things off and get ideas even if they might not be specific to PLM. When you are out of time and have limited resources, LeverX has your solution. LeverX is a big bang for your buck that will bring in a lot of knowledge at one time to check off all the boxes.
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“We highly recommend Emerline as a technology partner”
The Emerline team involved in the completion of our projects demonstrated a high level of responsiveness and support by solving issues and answering questions ASAP. They were diligent and proactively addressed the challenges that arose during the development process. Our cooperation ran smoothly and professionally, and Emerline quickly provided direct and correct advice when necessary. We highly recommend Emerline as a technology partner for large and complicated development projects that also delivers continuous cooperation with the provider on new projects.
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“Emerline has been the best development partner we’ve ever worked with!”
Emerline has been the best development partner we’ve ever worked with. The team is very responsive and the quality is very high. They are always willing to do whatever is necessary to support our development and customer support efforts. I would recommend them to anyone.
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“We are very pleased and content with our relationship with Emerline”
We are very pleased and content with our relationship with Emerline. We rely on their team for full-stack development of our platform. We respect the high technical caliber and dedication of the team assigned to our project. Emerline provided us with the scaling we needed to grow our development capabilities from early-stage POC to now a globally deployed platform in the HR Teach space.
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“They are an important part of our strategic Team and we enjoy working with them every day!”
Emerline has been our technology partner since late 2012. In the early years, I thought that they would fill a short-term gap until I could afford to hire my own technical team in the US. But they have consistently met the demands of our growing company and helped us build what we believe is our industry's best solution option. Emerline provides high quality work, so much so that our platform's reliability and accuracy has repeatedly been mentioned by our largest customer's internal vendor survey. The individuals we work with aren't just contractors, they are an important part of our strategic Team and we enjoy working with them every day!
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بناء جسر بين الأعمال والتقنيات المبتكرة

كيف يمكننا المساعدة

نحن نقدم مجموعة كاملة من خدمات SAP.


سنوضح لك كيفية تكييف SAP مع الاحتياجات الفريدة لشركتك وضمان الاستخدام الأمثل للحل.


سيساعدك فريقنا على تنفيذ الحل، بالإضافة إلى تهيئة الحل وتحسين تشغيله ليتماشى مع العمليات التجارية لشركتك.


تدمج LeverX نظام SAP مع أنظمتك الحالية لضمان التبادل المستمر للبيانات ومزامنة العمليات التجارية.


من خلال الدعم الاحترافي الذي يقدمه فريقنا على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع، يمكنك أن تتوقع تشغيل مستقر لنظام SAP وحل سريع لأي مشكلات قد تنشأ.
Application management

إدارة التطبيقات

سنساعدك على تحقيق أقصى استفادة من SAP من خلال تحسين الحل وتنقيحه باستمرار، بالإضافة إلى مراقبة أدائه وتكييفه مع احتياجات عملك.
cloud migration

الترحيل السحابي

إذا كنت تفكّر في ترحيل SAP من الحوسبة السحابية إلى السحابة، فإن فريق LeverX سيسهّل عملية الانتقال السلس مع الحفاظ على الوظائف.


تشمل خدماتنا تأمين SAP وحمايته من التهديدات الخارجية والداخلية على حد سواء، مما يضمن الحماية من تسرب البيانات.
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