LeverX at SAP Industry Days

LeverX experts joined the SAP community at Manufacturing Day to discuss how innovative digital supply chain solutions can optimize production and strengthen the business position on the market. Read the article to see how it was!

LeverX at SAP Industry Days

Serock, Poland, April 27, 2023 — LeverX joined SAP Industry Days as an event partner and demonstrated cutting-edge solutions powered by SAP Digital Manufacturing (SAP DM).

The current economic and geopolitical situation makes running a business a considerable challenge. Manufacturers struggle to build resilience through sustainable practices in a modern business environment. Sustainability requires deep understanding and the ability to adapt business rules to a fast-changing reality. 
To meet the demands of a growing market with automated and flexible manufacturing processes, SAP gathered leaders from various manufacturing sectors in Hotel Narvil in Serock, Poland, to discuss practitioners’ experience and innovations in digital manufacturing today. This year's Industry Day included 3 substantive tracks, 220 participants, 38 speakers, 25 inspiring lectures, 15 SAP partners, and countless conversations behind the scenes.

LeverX experts were pleased to join the SAP community meeting and demonstrate how innovative digital supply chain solutions can optimize production and strengthen the business position in the market.

At the event, Magdalena Iskierska (SAP DMC Consultant, LeverX) and Klaudia Halar (Associate Business Development & Sales Manager, LeverX) shared practical tips on establishing efficient and cost-saving production processes in Discrete Manufacturing with SAP Digital Manufacturing. The participants gained valuable insights into efficient supply chain management, product lifecycle optimization, and other up-to-date business trends. 

1120x530_Picture_1-min (1)Magdalena Iskierska

“Leveraging the power of AI, SAP solutions offer user-friendly interfaces, robust reporting capabilities, seamless integration with ERP systems and equipment, and advanced quality control features. These solutions optimize manufacturing processes, reduce costs, and enhance product quality through artificial intelligence," — said Magdalena Iskierska, SAP DMC Consultant, LeverX.

Apart from content-filled meetings and fruitful networking, we discussed:

  • The fundamental differences between private and public cloud ERP.
  • How to meet customers’ changing needs.
  • How to increase the efficiency of production processes.

    If you didn’t have a chance to meet us there, we have multiple events scheduled in 2023 and invite you to join us. The next one is on May 24 at SAP Discovery Day for BTP in Warsaw.  At this event, experts will describe how to acquire, integrate and analyze data in hybrid environments with SAP. Join us and get tailor-made advice on effectively managing and analyzing all information in real time. See you there!
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