Twelve Important Things to Know About the SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Suite

Author: John Irvin, LeverX Principal and VE SME

Twelve Important Things to Know About the SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Suite

1. Visual Enterprise is an SAP technology platform that enables the visualization of engineering data throughout your enterprise and supply chain by automatically taking your CAD Master data and making an ultra-lightweight digital twin. This lightweight digital twin files can be stored anywhere on your network or as document originals inside of SAP ECC.

2. The SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Suite is comprised of 3 main components:

  1. Visual Enterprise Generator (VEG) – Used for automatic creation of digital twin files and business process automation
  2. Visual Enterprise Author (VEA) – Used for extending digital twin files. For example, creating animated assembly work instructions or making photorealistic images
  3. Visual Enterprise Viewer (VEV) – Used for viewing all content created by Visual Enterprise Generator or Author. VEV is a free product, there is no named user license fee from SAP.

3. Lightweight digital twin files created by Visual Enterprise Generator are fully synchronized with their CAD Masters. So when engineering changes occur the files can be easily updated to the latest revision levels. This means that any files extended by Visual Enterprise Author will remain intact and no previous work will be lost when updating to the latest assembly and part revision levels.

4. While 3D is in the Visual Enterprise product name it also can create, publish and manage 2D lightweight digital twin files.

5. The Visual Enterprise reads and writes over 120 different file formats out of the box. All major CAD formats are supported. For a complete listing of supported file formats select Supported.File.Formats.

6. The Visual Enterprise Suite can be fully integrated with SAP ECC or run in standalone mode for integrations with other PLM systems like Teamcenter, Enovia, Windchill etc…

7. The Visual Enterprise Suite is a very scalable technology platform; simply add the right number of servers (physical or virtual) and processing licenses needed to manage the size of your entire 2D-3D database.

8. Visual Enterprise Generator can do much more than create lightweight digital twin files. When integrated with SAP ECC, VEG can automatically create Document Info Records, attach the digital twin files as document originals and then link them with existing Material Masters (if the MM does not exist VEG can create a new one). VEG can also call and run external programs then merge results with existing data.

9. The Visual Enterprise Suite can easily publish your lightweight digital twin files to many other sharable formats to be used throughout the enterprise and supply chain. Some examples are Adobe 3D PDF, Adobe Illustrator, MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, JT, HTML and many others.

10. Your lightweight digital twin files can be easily secured to protect your Company’s Intellectual Property. File permissions can be set at the ACL level (if integrated with SAP ECC) and/or files can be password protected, watermarked and even randomized (to prevent accurate measurements from being taken).

11. The Visual Enterprise Viewer is available for Windows, iOS, Android, and HTML5. This means you can view your data anytime anywhere.

12. Visualization is the future and the future is now. LeverX has a staff of Visual Enterprise experts ready to guide you on your digital transformation journey. For more information request a demonstration today from your LeverX sales representative.

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