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SAP ERP: Resource Planning System for Your Enterprise

Hallitse liiketoimintaprosesseja tehokkaasti SAP:n integroidun resurssisuunnittelujärjestelmän avulla.

SAP ERP Evolution

SAP-toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kehitystä on leimannut merkittävä edistysaskel, joka ei koske ainoastaan sen toiminnallisuutta vaan myös sen arkkitehtuuria. Alustan jatkuva parantaminen on laajentanut sen ominaisuuksia ja antanut sille myös nykyaikaisen esteettisen ilmeen, joka vastaa yritysten dynaamisesti kehittyviin tarpeisiin.


As a first step, SAP introduced R/2, a data processing system with a centralized architecture. This has allowed businesses to manage their resources more efficiently and systematically.



With the advent of SAP R/3, the company moved to a client-server architecture, which made the system more flexible and scalable. It also brought multitasking and modularity, allowing the integration of different functional areas of the enterprise.



In 2004, SAP transitioned to a more integrated architecture with the introduction of SAP ERP. This has opened the door to new opportunities in business process management, providing companies with a more complete view of their activities and greater efficiency in decision-making.



Introducing innovative in-memory technology SAP S/4HANA in 2015 was a turning point. This provided improved productivity, real-time analytics, data and process simplification, allowing companies to operate more efficiently and adapt to rapidly changing market demands.



With the release of the cloud version of SAP S/4HANA in 2017, the company offered customers the flexibility and scalability of cloud computing. This has enabled companies to manage their resources in the cloud, providing flexibility and data availability.


SAP S/4HANA 1909

The release of SAP S/4HANA 1909 in 2019 brought additional features, improved mobility, and support for artificial intelligence technologies. This has enabled companies to operate more efficiently, identify new opportunities, and optimize their business processes.


Other Releases and Updates

All the releases and updates of SAP S/4HANA continue to improve functionality, giving companies better tools to manage their resources, improve security, and optimize productivity.


SAP ERP:n liiketoimintaedut

Ratkaisu lisää toiminnan tehokkuutta ja parantaa resurssien hallintaa tarjoamalla kattavan näkymän prosesseista, korkean automaatioasteen ja tarkat analyyttiset tiedot strategisten päätösten tekemistä varten.

Greater Business process integration

The SAP ERP system uses advanced data integration technologies such as SAP NetWeaver and SAP Process Integration, which ensures seamless interaction between various modules and systems, from finance to logistics. Thanks to this, you can manage all aspects of your business from a single digital center, which opens up new opportunities to optimize business processes and increase operational efficiency.

Performance optimization

SAP ERP implements automation and machine learning technologies, such as SAP Leonardo and SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation, which automate routine tasks and optimize business processes. This helps speed up operations, reduce wasted time and resources, and improve the overall productivity of your business.

Improved data transparency

Thanks to in-memory technology in SAP HANA, data is stored and processed directly in the server's RAM, providing quick real-time access to information and analytical reports. This allows you to get a complete picture of the state of your business at any time, make informed decisions, and quickly respond to changes in the external environment.

Resource management

SAP ERP offers a wide range of tools for managing company resources, such as SAP SuccessFactors for human resource management and SAP Ariba for purchasing and supply management. This allows you to effectively plan, allocate, and optimize your business's resources, increasing its competitiveness and profitability.

Flexibility and scalability

SAP ERP has a modular architecture allows you to easily customize and expand the system's functionality according to your needs and business objectives. With cloud solutions like SAP S/4HANA Cloud, you can scale your business quickly and securely, adapting to changing market conditions and customer demands.

Compliance with standards and regulations

SAP ERP includes a set of ready-made templates and solutions developed by international standards and regulations, such as GAAP and IFRS. This ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and increases investors' and partners' confidence in your business.

Innovative technologies

With SAP ERP, you can access the most advanced technologies in analytics, artificial intelligence, and mobile solutions. For example, SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation help you predict trends, optimize business processes, and manage risks, opening new horizons for your business and making it more adaptive to changes in the external environment.
Haluatko tietää, kattaako SAP ERP yrityksesi tarpeet?

SAP ERP -valmiudet

SAP ERP on tehokas työkalu, jolla voidaan tehokkaasti ratkaista erilaisia yrityksen johtamiseen liittyviä ongelmia. Sen toiminnalliset osa-alueet on integroitu yhdeksi järjestelmäksi, mikä takaa liiketoimintaprosessien johdonmukaisuuden ja tehokkuuden organisaatiossasi.

Finance (SAP FI)

Maintain financial records, manage financial statements, and plan and manage assets.


Human Resource Management (SAP HR/HCM)

Unlock practical personnel accounting and management, payroll calculation and management, as well as analysis and planning of human resources.


Logistics (SAP MM, SAP SD, SAP PP)

Take control over material management, sales and distribution, planning and management of production processes.

supply chain management_11zon

Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)

Streamline supply chain operations, from planning to logistics and order handling.

customer relationship management

Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM)

Forge strong customer relationships, craft effective marketing strategies, and drive sales efforts.

project management

Project Management (SAP PS)

Execute project plans with precision, monitor progress, and efficiently allocate resources.
quality management

Quality Management (SAP QM)

Ensure product quality, assess adherence to standards, and meet regulatory requirements.
analytics and reporting

Analytics and Reporting (SAP BW/BI)

Harness data for strategic decision-making through comprehensive analysis and reporting.
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Service Management (SAP PM)

Efficiently plan and oversee equipment servicing, maintenance, and repairs.
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Risk Management and Compliance (SAP GRC)

Mitigate risks, ensure compliance with regulations, and uphold industry standards.
Haluatko tietää, miten SAP ERP voi hyödyttää yritystäsi?

Palvelemamme toimialat

Miksi valita LeverX SAP-toteutuskumppaniksesi?

Todistetusti menestyksekäs historia

Yli 20 vuoden ajan olemme auttaneet yrityksiä ympäri maailmaa menestymään SAP:n avulla. Olemme toteuttaneet jo yli 950 projektia yli 800 asiakkaalle, mukaan lukien Fortune 500 -listan huippunimet.

Alan asiantuntijat

LeverX:n tiimi koostuu ammattilaisista, joilla on käytännön kokemusta yli 30 toimialalta, kuten valmistusteollisuudesta, logistiikasta sekä öljy- ja kaasualasta.


Toteutamme SAP-projektit alusta loppuun ja teemme yhteistyötä SAP:n kanssa sen ratkaisujen kehittämisessä ja parantamisessa.

Laadun ja tietoturvan varmistus

LeverX toimii kansainvälisten standardien, kuten ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301 ja ISO 55001, mukaisesti, tarjoten luotettavuutta ja laatua jokaisessa projektissa.

Panostus innovaatioihin

Integroimme aktiivisesti edistyneitä teknologioita, kuten Data Sciencea, IoT:tä, tekoälyä, Big Dataa, Blockchainia ja muita, auttaaksemme asiakkaitamme ratkaisemaan liiketoimintahaasteitaan tehokkaasti.


Tiimimme on käytettävissä 24/7, mikä mahdollistaa projektien nopean toteuttamisen, prosessien läpinäkyvyyden ja jokaisen kehitysvaiheen mukauttamisen asiakkaiden erityistarpeisiin.

Tie menestykseen LeverX:n avulla

Kuusi päävaihetta, jotka toteutat SAP-asiantuntijoidemme kanssa.
Develop the implementation strategy based on your business requirements and solution capabilities.


Plan the project and finalize goals. Together, we will determine a project structure, management, tracking, and reporting mechanisms. At this stage, roles and responsibilities in the project team are defined.


Verify the project plan. We make sure that the solution and project scope meet your business requirements.


Customize and integrate SAP components into your IT infrastructure. Our experts configure and further develop the system if required.


Transfer data from legacy systems into the SAP production system, test the system, and validate roles/authorizations for all users.


Run the solution with the provision of go-live support, fixes, and monitoring to smoothly adapt the new software to your business processes.
