Improve and Accelerate Launch Management
IQ Launch presents real-time data relevant to all roles involved in each stage of product innovation. All users can instantly access important readiness indicators related to their business role.
Here's How IQ Launch Saves Hundreds of Project Hours
IQ Launch delivers critical data to accomplish successful product launches. Reduce time needed to manage product introductions, while avoiding costly mistakes.
Provides one source of truth in a single cockpit viewed consistently by all user roles.
Make correct decisions faster to increase the speed of product updates and introductions.
Eliminates the need for roles to export data from SAP for project collaboration.
Improve product launch data accuracy to achieve overall cost targets.
Automated alerts eliminate the need to monitor projects manually.
Business Areas That Would Benefit from IQ Launch
Below is a sample list of the business areas that would benefit from using IQ Launch.

Management and Manufacturing
- Project Teams
- Product Management
- Manufacturing Operations
- Supply Chain

Organized Processes
- Engineering
- Scheduling
- Finance
- Logistics
Key Features and Capabilities
IQ Launch offers the following key features and capabilities to support the product readiness process.

Indicators to monitor the process
- Configurable indicators that can be tied to a specific business scenario
- Track status of indicators over time to see when they turned green, yellow, or red
- Configure indicators to match your stage gate process
- Indicators rollup to the top product level to indicate the overall status

Adherence to your business workflow
- Provides simple green, yellow, and red status indicators that are defined based on your business rules
- Define the unlimited number of scenarios consisting of indicators tied to business roles
- Trigger workflows based on indicators to notify the participants of the situations that are critical
- Indicators can be created to pull data from external supplier sources for risk monitoring

Extended usability
- Simplified dashboards to view stage gate readiness
- Export summaries to MS Excel as needed
- Links to IQ Discussion to support collaboration
- Organize product launches into meaningful groups for coordination
Contact us to set up an initial discussion and demonstration.
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