Address Book
For employees, the Address Book is a simple way to find information about colleagues. For the HR team, the Address Book is a source of truth about the company employees and their profile details. All the details can be managed in the employee profile when needed. Address Book is also a database for generating multiple reports such as on hired and dismissed employees, company growth reports, etc.
Leave Request
The system tracks the actual number of available vacation days and allows the creation of different types of leave requests with an individual approval process for each request type. Types of requests include vacation, sick leave, own expense leave, and remote work.
The system calculates vacation days automatically, always providing an employee with relevant information on the number of days available. It’s important to note that when calculating vacation days, the system also recognizes and accounts for regional specifics.
This module also automates the requests for remote work and relocation requests from employees and allows building comprehensive reports about the actual number of employees across the company's locations.
Integration with Jira pulls relationships between project leads and employees into the system, ensuring that the project lead is always included in the approval chain of leave requests sent by teammates and can plan the load accordingly.
The system also features a relocation request option. Such requests also go through the approval chain and include an administrative staff support chain. When needed, managers can see the reports on geographic team distribution.
Desk Booking
The Desk Booking module visually represents each room in the office and allows employees to book spots with a few clicks.
Office managers can see the actual load of the office spaces, check the utilization reports, and make decisions about extending or reducing the number of working spaces on time.