SAP PLM is a solid basis for the automotive industry. This solution helps digitize and automate manufacturing processes and work more efficiently with suppliers and partners.
Aerospace & Defense
The solution allows aerospace and defense companies to reduce the time to market for innovations without compromising safety while simulating innovation scenarios along a complex value chain.
Food & Beverage
SAP PLM provides the food & beverage industry with all the required technologies that help to develop sustainable, traceable, high-quality products within a shorter time.
Consumer Goods
With SAP PLM, this industry can exceed the diverse expectations of consumers and enable sustainably and profitably growth for the business.
SAP PLM helps to make pharmaceutical production more effective and with lower risk.
Ļāva viņiem uzreiz ievest izmaiņas datu laukā visā organizācijā ar noteikumu izmaiņām.
Meistara operāciju automatizācija un Meistara izveides UN paplašināšanas process, kas kādreiz aizņēma daudz laika un kur ir iespējama kļūda.
Samazinot laiku, kas ir nepieciešams materiālu veidošanai.
Datu pārvaldīšanas kontroles attīstība sakarā ar Materiālu meistara veidošanas procesu.

Document Management
- Document Release
- Material Master Release and Extension
- Sales Order Release
- Manufacturing Instruction Release

Request Management
- Procurement Request
- Tooling Change Request
- Shop Floor Issue Request
- Customer Issue Request
- Plant Maintenance Work Request
- Request for Quote